Robert Oldergaard skapar och designar unikt konstglas i alla dom kända glasteknikerna i varmt och kallt glas. Han gillar att kombinera olika material i sitt skapande som Glas/järn/brons/silver.
Tina Andreasson är en konstnär som inspireras av sina resor. Hon målar gärna på canvas med olja. Hennes tavlor har varierande motiv och med tydliga karakteristiska drag.
När: 29 augusti - 17 september 2020 Vernissage: Söndagen 29 augusti Var: Galleri Viken
Om Robert Oldergaard
Robert är glaskonstnär på Öland med erfarenhet och kunskap från 30 års glasarbete från bl.a Orrefors Kosta Boda.
Robert skapar & designar unikt konstglas i alla dom kända glasteknikerna i varmt och kallt glas & gillar även att kombinera olika material i sitt skapande som Glas/järn/brons/silver & LED belysning.
Robert har en egen Glashytta på sydöstra Öland (Oldergaard Glashytta) vid sin gamla släktgård i byn Triberga där han har sin ateljé och galleri. Där man kan även gå kurser i både glasblåsning samt smyckestillverkning.
Robert har även butik vid kungens slott i Solliden i Borgholm samt en butik i Boda vid Luffarmuseumet. Han har medverkat i utställningar runt om i Sverige men även internationellt som Italien, Belgien, Ungern & Japan.
Om Tina Andreasson
Born in 1977 in Sweden, Tina first started painting in her late teens. There were years were she didn’t paint, studies and work took most time.
In the early 00’s she started tentatively again, and had her first exhibition in the basement of her apartment building in 2005.
Four years later was the first public exhibition at Gallery Kock’s in Stockholm.
Since then she has exhibited in various other galleries, cafés and restaurants in Stockholm, just to mention a few, at Winterviken, ArtMotion in Västermalmsgallerian, and Gallery-T, Olé Olé and Reastaurant Musslan.
Tina’s work is often inspired by her travels. In 2010 she went to Cuba where she would return twice more, renting a flat in colorful Old Havanna to paint.
After Cuba she finally found a ”second home” in Zihuatanejo in Mexico. She has returned to this town many times now, and yearly holds an exhibition at the lifestyle/surf-store Loot. She has also exhibited in Mexico at the prestigious hotel Amuleto, as well as La Casa que Canta, and at Mezgaleria Zihuatanejo where she participates in an exhibition toghether with various local as well as visiting artists. Once she exhibited in Cielito Lindo on Cozumel, and autumn 2019 in Homer, Alaska.
In addition to selling in Sweden and Mexico, her art has been sent to Norway, USA, Singapore, Germany, Spain, Romania and Australia.
Just recently, Öland (Sweden’s second largest island) has become a place of great inspiration and significance to her on both a personal and artistic level. 2020, “the best summer EVER” (so far) was spent there in the studio above the glass blowing work shop, hanging out with creative and fun people on the “island of sun and winds”.
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